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Pre- Purchase CODES
10% CODE: Email Subscription
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From there you can add us to contacts by clicking our name, then clicking "+ ADD TO CONTACTS."
10% CODE: Join our discord Server
Join our Discord Server (16+ only.) Please be sure to read over the Group rules. 🙏
After joining, you will need to head over to #get-your-roles and select he "My Butterflies🦋" role. There, you will find the CODE / CODE LINK!
Post- Purchase CODES
15% CODE: Leave a Positive Review
Leave a positive review on any of our products. You will automatically receive a code in our in- store chat box!
15% CODE: Purchase a $75+ CAD order
Purchase any of our products with the total adding up to $75 CAD ($56 USD). You will receive a code in your Email or SMS!
25% CODE: Fill out the Recovery Pen Feedback form
Fill out your personal review, positive or negative (all feedback is appreciated!)
Upon completion, automatically receive a code link on the thank you page of the form!
Click here to fill out the feedback form!
Earn up to $100 worth of in store purchases!
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